Monday, April 22, 2013

My thoughts

I personally think that a zombie apocholyps is not going to happen in real life and flesh eating monsters will rule the world. I think that the world is going to go  on like it has been for the hundreds of years it has been living but unless we make changes to how we live we might have some climate problems in the  near future of our still young world. We should make advances in space programs so we can get out and explore the galaxy we could colonize the moon and have that be another type of earth.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


After the zombie apocalypses there are probably going to be people trying to survive and some of those people are going to go a bit crazy and maybe even kill and loot what other people get and those are worse the the zombies because they know what they are doing you have to watch out for then. Then you have the people who just do it for fun not even to survive they are the true psychos.

Zombie Plan

If you are going to survive a zombie apocalypse you will have to have a plan. To make a plan all you have to do is prepare things you might need for an apocalypse. Now that you have this plan it is pretty much good for all apocalypses because you would have a kit for what you need and you would need and it you made a plan correctly you would have a base where you can go and protect yourself.  Another who protect your self you could get weapons guns and knives would be the best. Then gather food and water supplies that you would need. Finally you would need to be smart with what you do you wouldn't want to go around just shooting zombies with guns and run out of ammo you should use common sense. That is how I think a good zombie plan should go.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Military

The military is still around they are stationed in San Fransisco like I said in another blog there is a huge base/housing going on over there and they have army camps all over the city and the land surrounding the bay. Even thought the army is stationed in San Fransisco that doesn't mean that there aren't other army out posts around the country the worst part is the east coast nobody knows why but that's the worst the army camps stop at the the border of Texas closest to the east coast the go straight up and that's there border they don't go past that line almost spiting  the country in half.

Zombie Pespective

There are a ton of movies about the zombie apocalypses but there all in the eyes of the humans not the zombies. What im going to write about today is the world in the eyes of a zombie.

I lost track of the days or how many miles Ive walked it gets boring but you learn to keep your self entertained some times I don't see food for days just road and some of use I understand how we eat them they try to kill use but even if we don't try to eat them they still kill use. Sometimes I find groups of use I tag along with them for a while then I sometimes break off and do my own thing. But its gotten harder to find food if i haven't seen any thing for awhile and i get hungry i might have a snack like a dog or cow some other animal. While others would go toward gun shots I would go away from them because most of the time you get killed by guns and i want to live, if this is even called living.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Im gona go off the beaten track and talk about good zombie games the are aton of zombie games out there some are good and some are bad but I think the best one for a zombie survivl game is Call of Duty Black Ops 2 zombies.

I think this game has good graphis and sound effects, it emerses you in the game and makes you feel like you are actully in a zombie apocolyps. Even though you don't go around haveing to find shelter and get food it is still a fun game even if you go around shooting zombies. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Worst

The worst place in the world to be would be Asia the country's are India and China there the worst because they have massive population and aperintly zombies have a strange attraction to the area of Asia. If you were to be in a city you would want to get out or if you don't  want to get out then you would want to settle down somewhere were you are able to get to things but well enough  guarded to survive. A good place for me were I live is Home Dept because it has a lot of supplies that you could fortify the doors with also you can get to the roof and Costco is right next to it which has tons of caned food chairs beds and other things you could use.

The Strong Holed

There are many small pockets of survivors but the biggest one and that is classed as a Strong Holed is the best  well protected is Alcatraz Island in San Fransisco CA. The reason it is the most well protected I because it is surrounded by water and was formerly used  as a prison so it could keep the zombies out and keep things in if needed. There most of Americas prised artifacts are held and some of its most prised people. It first started to be sued as a fortresses 3 months after the apocalypses were normal people just took there boats and went to the island for protection then the group grew and people still alive figured out it is a lot safer on the island than it is on the mainland the when more people came the started to spread to the other islands close by and soon a community on the island started and slowly society started to come back.


Diffrent Types of Zombies

In this blog im gonig to be talking about the diffrent types of zombies. There are multipul diffrent types of zombies but m gonig to be talking about a couple. The frst one the slowest one is a crawler created when a persons legs are eaten off and then changend to zombie or there legs are chopped off as a zombie. Crawlers are slow and harmless you can get away from them quite easly and survive.The next one is the walker a little slower than walking but easy to get away exept when they are in hords thats when they are very dangerous. The next one is a runner they run at super human speeds to get there food very dangerous even if ther solo. Next one is a Tank huge super strong move fast killing machiane take out at a distance. Last type of zombie is an exploder. As the name emplys when you get close to them they will explode and soak you in zombie parts and acid and then the others will eat you and probably the exploded parts of the other zombie to. There are many types of zombies and just a few of them as you see here are very deadly. 

Friday, January 18, 2013


After the zombie apocalipse  panic spread across the world as the virus spreads only a few survivors reman and try to live in a world covered in zombies.Some people have it easy the have a roof top and a lot of food or a nice house well  fortified to keep out the flesh eating monsters that lurk outside. But some don't have that luxury while others live in well fortified places other people must fight on the streets sleep and hide in dumpsters to protect them from the zombies. Some of then have bats some of them have shovels but all of them have the will to survive and thrive in this new and horrifying world.   


                       How to survive a zombie apocalypse

This is going to talk about how to survive the zombie apocalypse.This is personally my favorite topic about zombies so I will like this topic. The first thing you need is food and  resources you can steal food of hunt food you might not be able to hunt food if the animals are also infected and at the are zombie animals and  you would want to watch out for those. Also to survive you would also need weapons to kill or stun on coming zombies. Weapons that would be the best would be quiet weapons like spears or long stabbing weapons to keep distance between you and the zombie, guns would be very useful but the make a lot of noise and the noise could attract still guns would keep them at a distance and protect you . If you have a good defense good food and good weapons you will be all set to survive and thrive.